The Enchanting Labuan Cermin Lake in East Kalimantan

Labuan Cermin Lake is one of the wonders you can find in East Kalimantan. East Kalimantan, to be precise Derawan Island is one of the marine tourism that you should visit. This location is a recommendation for Derawan Tour and other tour package services in East Kalimantan because it has a beauty that is rarely found in other places.

East Kalimantan not only has beautiful beaches and underwater world, but also lakes. After Kehe Daing, an enchanting lagoon is here, there is also Labuan Cermin Lake which has no less beauty. If Kehe Daing is a lagoon, because it is a lake but the water is sea water, Labuan Cermin Lake has its own distinct uniqueness.

Labuan Cermin Lake has a unique name. In addition, this tourist attraction around Derawan Island also has nicknames such as Lake Dua Rasa and Lake Without Water because of its uniqueness. So, curious about the charm of this lake and what is the meaning of the nickname of this place? Check out the various information below.
Labuan Cermin Lake

In Labuan Kelambu Village, Biduk-biduk District, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan, there is a lake which has extraordinary charm. Its uniqueness and beauty are rarely found in other similar places in Indonesia. Because of its uniqueness, this place has various nicknames, ranging from the designation “mirror”, “two flavors” and “without water”. It is interesting to know about these nicknames because they describe the beauty of this lake itself.

This lake has clear water. Its clarity can really make the bottom of a lake which is about 4 to 5 meters deep clearly visible when the sun is shining brightly. If on social media there are lots of photos of boats floating but looking as if they are flying above the ground, that’s the clarity. Hence, it is as if this lake is “without water” because it is so clear.

This lake is unique in that it consists of salt water and fresh water at the same time. The surface of the lake is fresh water, while the bottom is salt water. This is what later made people dub it the lake of two flavors. Because it has both fresh water and foreign water.

The existence of fresh water and salt water in the same place also provides several other unique facts. One of them is the presence of fish in this lake. As is known, fish have their respective places of life, namely some types of which live in fresh water and other types live in salt water. In this lake, you will be able to see these two types of fish live according to their place, namely on the surface of the lake you can see freshwater fish and on the bottom of the lake you can see sea fish (salt water).

The presence of salt water does not only invite the presence of sea fish in this lake. When the sun shines brightly, the light will enter to the bottom of the lake. The sunlight that enters the bottom of the lake gives a sparkling effect that looks so beautiful because of the reflection from the surface of the salt water at the bottom of the danar. Therefore the name of this lake is Labuan Cermin Lake.

Apart from the beauty of the lake, the environment around where the lake is located also complements the beauty of this place. This lake is in the middle of a tropical rain forest which is indeed famous on the island of Borneo. So the lake water which tends to be Tosca colored combined with the sun and green around the lake makes this area so enchanting.

Activities that visitors can do on this lake are not just seeing the lake from the boat, but also snorkeling and diving. Even though it looks beautiful from the boat, snorkeling and diving can be found in other interesting things in the lake. Usually the tourists also prepare a waterproof camera to capture the beauty of the lake.
Information for getting to the location

The benchmark for going to this location is Biduk-biduk District. From outside Kalimantan, tourists can go to Balikpapan and Samarinda. If from Balikpapan, the journey starts to Berau Regency, then Tanjung Redep. From Tanjung Redep it can be continued to Biduk-biduk Subdistrict with a travel time of about 6 hours. In addition, using the land route, namely from the city of Samarinda or Sangatta to the District of Biduk-biduk with a travel time of approximately 13 hours.

Once in Biduk-biduk District, Labuan Cermin Lake can only be accessed by boat for about 15 to 20 minutes from the jetty in this district. The return boat ride costs around Rp. 200,000. It will be more economical to rent a boat with several people.

Additional information

If you want to enjoy the beauty of the lake by snorkeling and diving, you need to bring the equipment. However, there are alternatives to renting equipment which of course have to spend quite a bit. But even though it is a little bit expensive, the cost will be worth the beauty of the lake which you can enjoy while snorkeling and diving.

If you want to stay overnight, around the location there are several inns. There are homestays and inns located in Biduk-biduk District. According to the information we got, there are backpacker tourists who can stay overnight around residents’ houses. So you don’t have to worry if you want to enjoy the location for a few days.

This is information related to Lake Labuan Cermin and various uniqueness and activities that can be done on site. Hopefully this information is useful and becomes a reference for your tour in Derawan Island and its surroundings.


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