1. Floating Market and Flower Island
To visit the Floating Market which is on the Barito River, we have to leave early in the morning after dawn prayers, we depart by small boat or what is called Kelotok to the Kuin area with several starting points such as in South Kuin or Alalak. Usually on the side of the road in the morning there are those that offer boats for passing tourists.
The closer to the location the cheaper the boat rental. Usually boatmen also offer several packages, such as just to the Floating Market, Floating Market and Flower Island, as well as the Floating Market, Kembang Island and Bakut Island.
Flower Island is a small island in the middle of the Barito River whose inhabitants are monkeys which is the main attraction of this island. Visitors walk on a wooden bridge around the island while joking with naughty monkeys on this island. But what really disturbs the most is not the monkeys, but the guides who usually “force” us to join us even though they only ask for payment.
2. Cruise the River or Canal Tour
The city of Banjarmasin is known as “the City of a Thousand Rivers” because it is split by the Martapura River and its children. Before the era of motorized vehicles “Jukung” was the transportation used by the people of Banjarmasin. Now we also go along the river in Banjarmasin by renting a small boat called “Kelotok”. Especially in the morning, you will see along the way the livelihoods of residents on the banks of the river can be seen. For photographers who love HI, this is a constant moment to record river life in Banjarmasin.
3. Culinary Tour
Hunting for regional specialties is one thing that cannot be missed when visiting a new area. What cannot be missed from Banjarmasin Culinary is “Soto Banjar”, the most famous is Soto “Bang Amat” which is located on the riverbank, tourists who come from Lok Baintan Floating Market will usually stop by here, besides that there are other alternatives such as Soto ” Under the Bridge “, Soto” Rina “or Soto” Bapukah Chicken “in Banua Anyar. At night you can stop by at Lontong Orari on Jalan Pahlawan. Banjarmasin specialties are also worth trying, the most distinctive is Potato Bingka, and many other traditional cakes that only exist in Kalimantan and one place to try them is Pasar Ahad at KM 7.
4. Visiting Sasirangan Village
If in Java you have Batik and Medan you have Ulos cloth, in Banjarmasin you have a special cloth called the “Sasirangan” cloth. The way of making it is not written or painted beforehand but soaked in a dye made from natural ingredients. This process can be seen in the Sasirangan Village in the Seberang Mesjid area, Kampung Melayu Banjarmasin Village.
5. Relax in the “Siring” by the river
Banjarmasin does not have a square like other cities that can be used as a hangout for young people, so the “Siring” park along the Martapur river is usually used as a place to relax by young people in Banjarmasin. In addition to relaxing enjoying the river at night across from the Sabilal Muhtadin Mosque as a culinary tour of roasted corn, visitors enjoy grilled corn while sitting on a siring by the river. The place to watch the sunset in Banjarmasin is on the banks of the Barito river at the Old Harbor near the Trisakti port.
6. Historical Tourism
In the city there is a small museum located near the Banua Anyar Bridge, the contents of which are relics of the struggle against colonialism in the past, besides that we also visit the Hundred-year old Sultan Suriansyah Mosque with typical Banjar architecture and the Sultan Suriansyah Tomb complex. in Kampung Kuin not far from the grave site, this place is usually visited after coming from the Floating Market which is also in Kuin, around here many also rent boats / kelotok to the Floating Market.
Interested? Just come to Banjarmasin.