This legend comes from a village called Nyaling in Tumbang Topus, Ut Murung District, Murung Raya Regency or Puruk Cahu. The story of the origin of Tana Malai Tolung Lingu (Mura) originates from a community conception of the existence of heavenly land or Danum Songiang. It is said that there once lived two very beautiful women named Bura and Santaki. One day these two women descended into the world (Danum Kolunon) to observe the condition of the world which turned out to be many places that were quiet and uninhabited. They were sad because of this condition and decided to return to heaven. All day long Bura and Sentaki ponder what they should do, so that there is no longer a lonely and uninhabited place in the world. Then they decided to bring down the linguistic tana malai to the world. Tana malai tolung lingu or petak malai reed marindu is a sacred object belonging to humans in heaven. Tana malai or petak panai is the land that the eagle has collected over the years from all over the world where it has once stopped. It is said to be sacred because the soil that was originally attached to or attached to the eagle's feet eventually piles up and becomes a nest. Tana Malai is fragrant and golden yellow in color, and has mystical powers that can captivate anyone who has ever touched the land. The same is the case with the eagle. No matter how far it goes, it will come back to its nest because of the influence of that sacred tana malai. While Tolung Lingu or Reed Marindu is bamboo. The existence of bamboo is related to the method of taking tana panicles or plots of panicles, later when tana panicles or plots of panicles were discovered
This legend comes from a village called Nyaling in Tumbang Topus, Ut Murung District, Murung Raya Regency or Puruk Cahu. The story of the origin of Tana Malai Tolung Lingu (Mura) originates from a community conception of the existence of heavenly land or Danum Songiang. It is said that there once lived two very beautiful