This legend comes from a village called Nyaling in Tumbang Topus, Ut Murung District, Murung Raya Regency or Puruk Cahu. The story of the origin of Tana Malai Tolung Lingu (Mura) originates from a community conception of the existence of heavenly land or Danum Songiang.
It is said that there once lived two very beautiful women named Bura and Santaki. One day these two women descended into the world (Danum Kolunon) to observe the condition of the world which turned out to be many places that were quiet and uninhabited. They were sad because of this condition and decided to return to heaven.
All day long Bura and Sentaki ponder what they should do, so that there is no longer a lonely and uninhabited place in the world. Then they decided to bring down the linguistic tana malai to the world. Tana malai tolung lingu or petak malai reed marindu is a sacred object belonging to humans in heaven. Tana malai or petak panai is the land that the eagle has collected over the years from all over the world where it has once stopped.
It is said to be sacred because the soil that was originally attached to or attached to the eagle’s feet eventually piles up and becomes a nest. Tana Malai is fragrant and golden yellow in color, and has mystical powers that can captivate anyone who has ever touched the land. The same is the case with the eagle. No matter how far it goes, it will come back to its nest because of the influence of that sacred tana malai. While Tolung Lingu or Reed Marindu is bamboo. The existence of bamboo is related to the method of taking tana panicles or plots of panicles, later when tana panicles or plots of panicles were discovered by humans for the first time.
The places where the tana malai tolung lingu or plots of reed marindu in the world are lowered are in Mount Pancung Ampang (upstream of South Barito) and Mount Bondang (upstream of the Laung River). Around 1720 and 1721, tana malai tolung lingu or petak panic reed marindu was discovered by Nyahu bin Sangen and Conihan. Both are residents who live in the interior of the Murung Raya district or Puruk Cahu, to be precise from a village inhabited by the Siang Kono tribe in Tumbang Topus Village (now in Ut Murung District).
Nyahu bin Sangen and Conihan’s discovery of tana malai tolung lingu occurred in the middle of their search for bird nests to the Liang Gunung Pancung Ampang area (Cahai Uhai). This area is located between the upper reaches of the Karamu River, Busang River and Chan River (tributary of the Mahakam River). Nyahu bin Sangen and Conihan found tana malai on the rock wall on the slopes of Mount Pancung Ampang. This Tana Malai was successfully retrieved after the two people found Tolung Lingu or Bamboo. Tolerant this lingu they have to keep connecting first until it becomes long. They did this because the location of the panicle was very high and could not be touched by just anyone. It is said that they have to enter the linguistic wall through the hole in the bamboo room. After finding Tana Malai Tolung Lingu, Nyahu and Conihan returned to the village where they came from.
The two men immediately told about their discovery to the traditional elders and other residents. Tana malai tolung lingu or petak malai reed marindu was then used as a captivating or conqueror of hearts (songkolasan-songkolimo) for the Siang Kono tribe. In 1721, there was the discovery of tana malai tolung lingu or petak malai buluh marindu by Nyaman and Talawang Amai Meteh. Both are from the Siang Murung tribe who live in the village of Taluu Nyaling. Tana Malai Tolung Lingu is found on Mount Bondang (upstream of the Laung River), the highest mountain in the area. Initially Nyaman and Talawang Amai Meteh intend to balampah or meditate to find addresses / directions in order to gain a successful life.
Once at the top of the mountain, they found a linguist who led them to find Tana Malai. This discovery made them cancel their desire to meditate and decide to return to their village. Arriving at the village, the two men told about the discovery of tana malai tolung lingu or petak malai buluh marindu to the traditional elders and residents of their village. Just like the Siang Kono tribe, the tana malai tolung lingu or petak malai buluh marindu found by Nyaman and Talawang Amai Meteh is also used as a charm or conqueror of the heart for the Siang Murung tribe